Tammie Wahaus

Tammie Wahaus

Company: ELIAS Animal Health

Job title: Chief Executive Officer


Utilizing Next Generation Animal Vaccine Technologies to Fight Cancer 2:00 pm

What are the key challenges and considerations for next generation cancer vaccines for animals to supercharge the pipelines? How are combination therapeutic strategies critical to enhancing the success rates of cancer vaccines? What technological advances are on the horizon that may improve cancer treatment success rates?Read more

day: Conference Day One

Panel Discussion: Achieving Harmonization Amongst all Stakeholders (Developers, Regulators, Manufacturers & End Users) to Expedite Approvals & Achieve Maximum Return of Investment for Effective Animal Vaccine Technologies 9:30 am

Where are the current gaps and misalignments amongst stakeholders to ensure success is achieved from submission through to approval of next generation animal health vaccines? How to balance the efficacy and safety concerns by regulatory agencies with consideration of the cost, practicality, and challenges faced in licensing the products?Read more

day: Conference Day Two

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