Senta Walton

Senta Walton

Company: Saiba Animal Health

Job title: Head of R&D Saiba AH


Therapeutic VLP Based Vaccines for the Treatment of Chronic Pain in Animals 1:30 pm

VLP platforms used for the development of therapeutic vaccines to treat chronic pain Proof of principle study for the treatment of pain by therapeutic vaccination in osteoarthritic mice Therapeutic vaccination for the treatment of chronic pain in companion animalsRead more

day: Conference Day One

Roundtable Discussion: From Concept to Real World Applications: How to Expand Next Generation Animal Vaccine Utility to Combat Non-Infectious Diseases in Cancer, Chronic Pain, Allergies & Beyond 2:30 pm

How to justify and improve cost versus commercial gain to continue investment into non-infectious disease vaccine development for animals? How to better optimize target identification and validation strategies to produce preventative vaccines for non-infectious diseases? From an unmet needs perspective, what diseases should we prioritize next? How to leverage learning from human cancer research to…Read more

day: Conference Day One

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